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Repost~ Mer Moon Message from 2019

Updated: Apr 13, 2022

Falling, falling, falling down... gently touches my senses to land softly in my heart.

The Essence of the Moonlight.

I felt open and contemplative. I feel alert and clear. Oh that wonderful Mysterious Moon!

Who else felt the Moon's powerful pull?

March 21st{Ostara} came in with a beautiful ring of light shining down, cascading soft celestial sounds as Moonlight traditions connected with the shifting seasons were celebrated everywhere. Your eyes couldn't help but to be drawn to its magnificent glowing form if you happened or planned to be out in the early morning while it was still dark or if you captured a glimpse at evening as it turned its Door opening to the descent of Night.

The Mermaids send their Celestial Sea Siren's Song also.

It whistled and whispered through the Moon's Door. It is the sound behind many other Moonlight Sounds that shimmer through as the globe of the Moon Speaks.

We are here it says. The Mermen and the Mermaids.

Crystal Clear Clarity floats through as Magic, Mythology and the elements mingle. We feel and hear the powerful forces speak. Our senses are indeed touched as our intuition picks up many things like antenna tapping into a message. It is frequency.

It can be a gentle soft experience or it can feel like you are cutting on and off as a resetting of yourself occurs.

With this Moon, I felt held.

As far as the Mermen and Mermaids...

A Door Opened.

It isn't their Mer Cosmos that I feel but they are closer. Did a few Mermaid Stars twinkle into the Milky Way System:-). Perhaps! If you feel a connection to Mermaids like you were one in another life then you might have felt their gentle moonlight touch too or you may have heard their magical moonlight melody. It is a Calling.

For Mermaids it is a calling to return to the Sea in a sense.

You might feel the desire to go on vacation to visit the beach or a lake as the feeling slowly expands within you. This is because the time of Sacred Ritual has opened. Subconsciously it beats within you as phases of the Sun and Moon change. Don't worry if you think that you missed the chance with Ostara Celebrations because the Calling moved within you and Ritual Light subtly pulsed, updating your light body as different codes were accessed all over the World. Many speak of memories as Priests and Priestesses at this time. The light information is within you and whether you physically performed ritual or not, you will feel the energy if you are open to receive it. Subconsciously, you step into the position thus you can access much as your Higher Self helps you to show who you truly are and what you offer. Consciously, you might have chosen to hold ceremony and speak on what was coming through.

Both ways if you are opening to it stand side by side with each other.

For Mer-Humans, this is a great opening to allow the Ocean to speak to you. Hear your unique messages by going to the beach or lake or create a Sacred Fountain in your home for transmissions to clearly flow to you with intention.

Adding intention makes it personal for you. Also, take this time to relax and rejuvenate as the season shifts and Light Doors change codes. Observe yourself, how you settle. Think about what Personal Sacred Ritual means to you. Get comfortable in your own skin...and scales!

How should your Ritual take form!?

Many like using crystals, flowers and sea shells. They arrange them in different sacred patterns and it sets the ambience and beautifies the moment. I personally think you can make an arrangement of patterns or not. It kind of reminds me of first contact when you are telling and showing someone who you are like Mer Beings using things from the Sea and Humans using objects from this Planet if they were visiting another. It would bring the vibration of that dimension into the Ritual but here, I think opening to the new transmission and picking up the different information to share suffices to begin the Ceremony. It is a sharing of Cosmic Knowledge tied with openings, openings that are taking place during our seasons as they change and bring to mind former celebrations and meanings so we are bringing a bit of newness in.

What about robes and dresses!?

Some choose to wear robes and gowns reminiscent of Ancient Times. They are beautiful as they open us to thoughts of the Goddess and we become the way for a continuation of Sacred Practices but you can also open to different feelings that pop into your awareness about style of dress, setting of the room used or what would be a good location outside. Mermaid-Ocean or bowl of water right!? It is a good start but you could sense what particular words come to mind, if any colors feel right to wear or use that are different from Ocean themed colors than create your space...your clothing, circle form and objects such as cards or crystals. The Circle Pattern is a big one. It sets what you do for your group with no discernible opening or exit.

So, we are within a protected space/barrier with everything being received from within the center of the Circle, from within ourselves and from the Eye of the Moon if we are performing a Moonlight Ritual so the concept of the Circle is great but we can really create a new design or seating pattern because we are the Circle, our bodies form it as the Symbol of what is from Within and Whole thus we all are the Anchor and we can create an opening message that states this as ones take turns to speak if more than one person is doing so.

So, our clothing feels set for the special moment, colors come to our minds intuitively that we can associate with the new messages and feel through our intuition if it is traveling the same path as former meanings used or opening us to a new meaning.

We are present, Angelic Light is with us and a New Vibration is moving through our bodies.

Have a Wonderful Sacred Celebration,

Mer Light.


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